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ICanFlyy welcomed esteemed guests from Calcutta International School on 14th July. We had the privilege to have amongst us Mrs. Tina Servaia, Principal Senior School, Mrs. Pratima Nayar, Principal Junior School, and the school counsellors. They were welcomed by our founder director Ms. Minu Budhia. They were taken around the facility where they met and interacted with the students. In the 4th floor AV room Minu ma’am gave them a brief background about ICanFlyy and the reason behind its inception. Our student Meghna gave a welcome speech. Students performed to a song on “Mom and Dad”. The visitors were moved by the performance and were all praises for the students. They left complimenting Minu Ma’am and her team about her commendable work in this area. This was followed by lunch at Café ICanFlyy.