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Sunday, 17th March 2024 was an memorable day for all at ICanFlyy International School. We had the honour of hosting Mrs Shireen Moghe & Major General Rajesh A Moghe, VSM General Officer Commanding, Bengal Sub Area. The guests were received by our founder director Dr. Minu Budhia and Mr. Sanjay Budhia, Director, Patton. A facility tour was given by Ms. Sugandha Ramkumar, Principal of the school. A welcome speech by our student, Ms. Meghna Sood and a brief introduction about ICFI was given by Dr. Minu Budhia. Our students performed to a medley of inspiring songs. The guests interacted with the students and were amazed at the activities that they were doing. They left praising Dr. Minu Budhia for doing an inspiring work.