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Success Stories

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Thanks to I Can Flyy
Our elder daughter Aritri started in I Can Flyy back in November 2018. Since then, on several occasions we have been pleasantly surprised with her impromptu demonstration of significantly improved cognitive abilities. The constant endeavor and care from I Can Flyy management, teaching faculty and the support-staff surely helped Aritri to make much improvement in her academic skillset and social abilities during last 3 years.
In this context, we thought of sharing with you an incident that happened during our recent holiday trip to Kashmir. We must say that it surpassed all our previous experiences and would be etched in our memory as her parents forever.
During the trip we visited the Kargil War Memorial (Bir Bhumi) at Drass in Kargil sector. This is the very place from where Operation Vijay was launched and Indian Army fought several valiant battles during the months of May-July in 1999 that is famously known as Kargil War. This place has now been converted into a memorial in the honour of those gallant heroes of mother India who fought to protect our motherland.
As soon as we entered the premises of Bir Bhumi, Aritri was excited seeing so many National Flags around and started to chant Jai Hind on her own. She must have recalled the training imparted in I Can Flyy during the last Independence Day celebration. Thereafter, once we approached the main Martyr Platform and asked her to do Pranam, instead of Pranam, she on her own chanted Jai Hind in a proud tone and saluted the big National Flag hoisted there. Her act was done wholeheartedly on her own without any prompt or guidance. Her act of saluting and chanting Jai Hind was so spontaneous and touching that we were speechless.
The visit to Bir Bhumi was a pilgrimage for us – at that very moment with Aritri’s spontaneous act of deference to our national emblem in that environment of supreme sacrifices from those bravest of the brave sons of mother India choked us in so much emotion – we truly felt proud as her parents and as Indians.
Let me take this opportunity to convey my regards and gratitude to I Can Flyy for imparting such good training and values to their differently abled children. Despite the challenges and limitations Your Children are capable to rise to the occasions in making their parents proud – thank you so much from the deepest part of our hearts!!!

– Aritri’s father

In August 2015, when I first learnt of ICanFlyy, something about the name struck me in a very positive way. I was looking to move my endearingly naughty brother, Rishi, from an all-academic school, to one where his involvements would be more holistic, and lively.

I took an appointment at ICanFlyy without letting our parents know, and went to check it out. At first sight, I was amazed at what unfolded in front of me. Groups of beautiful students were spread across different rooms – a group was learning how to type on their laptops, another was engaged in learning yoga, another was playing around with dough in the well equipped kitchen trying to bake a cake. The students were divided by activities, interests, backgrounds, and talents. What silently united them all was a gleaming, ear-to-ear smile, symbolic of the happiness they realised by being right there, at ICanFlyy.

He feels immensely confident about himself, and that’s evident in how conducts himself in front of the people who live in our massive residential complex. While on his way to school, he wholeheartedly greets people he meets, with a pure, wide, innocent smile like he really wants them to have a great day! He has become twice as disciplined and thrice as particular about his belongings like his laptop, smartphone, books etcetera. He has learnt how to forge friendships and bonds with people outside the family.

It makes me immensely happy that every single day Rishi looks forward to a day filled with different activities in a great school replete with modern-day amenities, compassionate faculty and non-teaching staff who take such great care of him. To his wonderful friends and guides at school – I sincerely thank you for contributing to Rishi’s growth as an individual, and for the thousands of moments when you’ve made him show his dimples.

– Rishi’s brother

ICanFlyy has taken my daughter’s life to another level. When she had joined, she was a reserved child. Now she is a confident young lady who is happily working as a part of the café team and is also making many new connections in life. Thank you team ICanFlyy! Her achievements would not be possible without your guidance.

– Saloni’s parents

After joining ICanFlyy, Prakriti’s life has taken u-turn. From a girl with low self confidence, who did nothing but watch television and a few household chores, she has become an active, engaged, confident woman. The very thought that she has started earning and is taken her first steps towards becoming independent makes us so happy and proud. A big thank you to team ICanFlyy for making this possible!

– Prakriti’s parents

One day we got a call from the school to get a full body checkup of our child, it was only after that when we discovered about certain issues about our child’s health. Once discovered, we were suggested a surgery by our doctor.

The first thing we decided was to seek an advice & permission from Minu mam about the surgery, wherein she gave us a lot of confidence (which was much needed as parents) & assured us her entire support in mentoring our child. Secondly, we spoke with Sugandha mam, wherein she also assured us for the best of training for our child so that he is well prepared for the entire process. She requested us for a picture of the surgeon so that they can train our child. After submission of the picture, we hardly had three days left for our child to be mentored, but mam told us that they had already trained & prepared our child much in advance & that he was already prepared for the surgery, this called for a Huge Surprise for our family!! They not only supported us morally, but Minu mam, Sugandha mam & Kamal sir also came to the hospital & stood by all of us which was an icing on the cake!!

It is pertinent to mention that team I can Flyy has not only played an important role in this surgery, but has always been a true friend, guide, mentor & support in the life of our child since 2015. We can go on, on & on in describing the role of the school in our life but words will fall short!!

We wish the best of luck & success to team I can Flyy in this noble journey.

– Kejriwal family